Applicants for the 2025 TAG Top 40 awards for the most innovative technology companies in Georgia must complete this form. Top 40 winners will participate in the Showcase at the Georgia Technology Summit on April 16, 2025, and are automatically entered in the competition for the TAG Top 10 award. The Top 10 companies will have the opportunity to make a three-minute presentation, focused on their innovations, to the Summit's 1,000+ attendees.

The Georgia Technology Summit will be an in-person event, and each recognized Top 40 company will be required to purchase an exhibit space at the Showcase (in a trade show format) and 2 passes for $1,500 unless your company qualifies for a scholarship and is selected for receipt of a scholarship. Scholarships are limited to companies with revenues of less than $500,000 and have raised less than $500,000 in investments and are given at the sole discretion of the Top 40 committee.

Deadline for applying: Friday, March 14, 2025.

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

How did you hear about the Top 40 application?

Company Information

Alternate Contact Information
Optional: contact information for an alternate contact

The Basics

200 character limit

Please enter a very brief description of your company. This is your tagline or Google ad. 

1500 character limit

Now you have more space to describe your company, its background, and the opportunity you are addressing. You can cut-and-paste text into these fields. 

Please highlight some of your key competitors and other players in your market.

Please enter names and titles of key officers and employees.

Please enter the names of your Board Members and Key Advisors, including their primary employer and title.

Please enter identities of key investors. If you are bootstrapped or have received significant Federal grants, please explain briefly.

Please share revenue information below.

$100,000 - $500,000
$500,000 - $1M
Over $1M
Over $25M

If your revenue is over $5M, you may omit this question.

If your revenue is over $5M, you may omit this question.


1500 character limit

Explain how your company's technology, business, products and/or services are innovative. Is your technology a breakthrough or disruptive technology? 

*Note: If your company previously was selected by TAG as a Top 40 Innovative Company, it is a requirement that you describe your further innovations since that selection.


1500 character limit

Why do you believe that your company's innovations give you a sustainable competitive advantage? Do you believe that your company will have a positive effect on economic development in the state of Georgia (including job creation and the state's reputation for technology) and if so, how? 

*Note: If your company was previously selected by TAG as a Top 40 Innovative Company, it is a requirement that you describe what's new and different compared to the previous submission.

Applicants may optionally link to a three-minute video description of their company, with special attention paid to innovation and impact. This video is strongly encouraged but is not required to qualify for either the Top 40 or Top 10 awards.

20MB max

If applicable, please provide the link to your video.


By typing his/her name, the undersigned certifies that the foregoing is true and correct in all material respects. If prepared by anyone other than the CEO, this further certifies that the CEO has approved this application and — if selected — the company's participation in the Georgia Technology Summit.

If we are selected as a 2025 Top 40 Most Innovative Company, we agree to pay the $1,500 finalist fee that includes exhibit space and participation at Georgia Technology Summit on April 16, 2025.* 

*Unless applicant qualifies for a scholarship and is selected by the Top 40 committee for a scholarship

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