TAG Data Science &Analytics Society Presents: Data Science Superpowers for Good

Wednesday, August 9, 2023 (5:00 PM - 7:00 PM) (EDT)


Online registration will close August 9th at 10am, after which in person registration will be available. 

Join us to learn and network with data, analytics, and data science professionals to learn how to leverage data for social good. Our teams of volunteers recently took on a project with a nonprofit to help reduce heavy waste products in landfills, benefit underserved markets, and improve lives by supporting other nonprofits. Learn start to finish how the teams framed the business question/s, gathered data, chose types of analytics methods to apply, and created a story to help the nonprofit (Lifecycle Building Center) operate more effectively. Hear from the analytics and data science teams about the barriers they encountered, how they overcame them, and what it was like to ultimately produce insights and solutions.

Moderator: Beverly Wright
Head of Data Science Solutions,  Burtch Works

Jacqueline Bigby
Science Coordinator, Emory Continuing Education
Melissa Sousa
Principal, Data & Analytics, Inspire11
Priya Sarathy
Consultant, Wheel Strategies
Joey Zhao
Business Intelligence Developer, Piedmont Healthcare

Brent Brewington
Data Engineering Consultant, Aimpoint Digital

Thank you to our Event Sponsors:

Thank you to our Data Science and Analytics Annual Sponsors:


Event Sponsorship opportunities available! Please reach out to michelle@tagonline.org to learn more. 

Per CDC recommendations, people with symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should stay home. Masks are optional. 


Technology Association of Georgia | TAG
4400 North Point Parkway, Suite 155
Alpharetta, GA 30022 United States

Park near back of building - look for door with Technology Association of Georgia on it

Event Contact
Michelle Rhodes
Send Email
Wednesday, August 9, 2023 (5:00 PM - 7:00 PM) (EDT)
Society - Data Science & AI
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